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Interpretation (Oral Translation)

Interpretation is not an easy job, especially when we talk about synchronous interpretation. See you have to translate a person’s direct speech and in no way should you distort it.

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Interpretation (Oral Translation)

Interpretation is not an easy job, especially when we talk about synchronous interpretation. See you have to translate a person’s direct speech and in no way should you distort it.

The knowledge of the language, professional terminology and very often the slang should be very broad. On top of all of that the interpreter in such cases replaces the speaker, speaking for him/her and being in the center of public attention, which adds extra psychological pressure.

Interpretation can be either sequential, where the interpreter translates the speaker’s words in short pieces of text following the utterance of the same by the speaker or synchronous, where the speech is translated along with the speaker.

During sequential interpretation the interpreter can work with short phrases, long sentences or larger chunks of text.

In any case the volume of text needed to be memorized is not big. This type of interpretation is common during standard communication in life, office, during visits to companies, supermarkets, during informal meetings and receptions and is the most frequently used method of interpretation.

Synchronous translation is called the highest class of interpretation: for the uninitiated this type of translation is the most difficult and is surrounded by a mist of mysteriousness or even inconceivability.

This type of translation requires special and unique skills and abilities in an interpreter, as well as vast working experience.

Generally synchronous interpretation is used at such occasions as:

  •         Conferences
  •         Seminars
  •         Forums
  •         Presentations

It is always used when you want the process of negotiations to be maximum saturated and to consume the least of time.

Synchronous interpretation is a totally different ball game. Good knowledge of foreign languages is not the only factor directly responsible for the success of a synchronous interpreter. His/her main problem is related to his/her reaction and more specifically to his/her responsiveness.

The synchronous translator has to react to every translated phrase, momentarily switch brains and simultaneously juggle with thoughts and understandings; this is why such interpretation scares off people with slower reaction, even if they have an excellent grip over the language.

To successfully interpret in this manner the interpreter must be proficient in languages, be knowledgeable, have good reaction, memory, ability to quickly find the most suitable option in difficult situations and foresee with sufficient amount of confidence, where the speaker is heading to. For the purpose it is necessary to know in detail the subject matter in advance and it does not mean only the terminology, but the essence of the affair.

Oral translation does not base on the availability of sufficient time on hand to think over and understand the phrases, because reconfirmation of the sense of the words said is considered to be a sign of flaw and during synchronous translation this is impossible.

Another very important task is to comprehend the tone of the speaker, to understand if he is speaking ironically or furiously, pass on his emotions or indifference, holding back your personal opinion of the participants of the discussion or the topic of discussion.

As you might have already understood that oral translation is a serious job, which not every translator can accomplish.

At Perevodim.Pro we guarantee that our experts have all the necessary professional skills and experience required to understand the essence of the speech and to quickly pass it on to the listener, opting for the best suitable words, structure and grammatical form, keeping in mind the event’s format and the emotional specter of the words uttered.


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