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Stoyanov Nikolay Fedorovich
English text

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Written translations:

Writing is one of the best and most used mediums of distant communication. Despite all the technological advancements, one still needs to provide a lot of information in written form or as it is fashionable now to say in hard copies.

When you write something and need to communicate your message to a person or organization overseas, you need the help of a translator, who could correctly pass on your written message and ideas in totality to your overseas respondent.


Written translations need to be done in three stages, namely:


  • Understanding of the text in the source language: If the translator doesn’t understand what is meant to be said in the original text, any correct translation is out of question. The experts at Perevodim.pro take their due time to understand what they need to convey.
  • Translation into the required (foreign) language.
  • Correction of expression according to the contemporary style of the foreign (required) language: This requires the translator to be highly proficient in the end language, so that the reader would understand the text with ease and would not even feel that the text was translated from a foreign language.


Our translators follow the above mentioned sequence of events and make sure that the translation completely complies with the source text as per its essence and mood.

Apart from the translation of general business communication, which includes translation of pre contract negotiations, contracts, supplements and reports, most commonly people need translations of medical, legal and technical texts. In all these categories a small mistake or misunderstanding by the translator can cost someone huge amounts of money, unjust decisions and can even cost a life.

Following our guiding principles, we make sure that your documents get absolutely correctly translated.

Another major field, which often needs translations of written texts, is literature. Literary texts cannot and should not be translated word to word. “Piece of cake” if translated word to word can mislead and puzzle the reader.


At Perevodim.pro, while translating your texts, we make sure to provide:


  •   Accuracy and confidence: We make sure that the translated text conveys the exact message, without omissions or amendments. We also make sure that, while bringing the text in-line with the contemporary language, the translator takes care of the essence of the message.
  •   Nativity: Our experts make sure that while reading the translated text, the foreign reader won’t perceive it as a translation, but as the original text. For this purpose we only work with experts, whose level of proficiency in both the languages is equivalent to native speakers of the given languages.


Our translators serve the needs of a broad specter of industries and professions, including the oil industry, chemical industry, civil engineering, geology, medical sciences, agriculture and many more.

Our rates of written translations are very competitive. We provide high quality services at acceptable rates.


While translating your documents, we remember that we don’t translate words, we interpret your ideas!

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Иванов Иван Иванович

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mail @mail.ru

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Иванов Иван Иванович

Это для того, чтобы мы знали как к вам обратиться.

mail @mail.ru

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