+7 812 385-51-40
8 800 555-06-94



Language is the tool of expression of your soul’s state!


English Kazakh Slovenian
Arabic Kirghiz Swahili
Azerbaijani Chinese Thai
Armenian Komi Tatar
Byelorussian Korean Tajik 
Bengalese Latin Tibetan
Berber Latvian Turkish
Burmese Lithuanian Turkmen
Bulgarian Macedonian Uzbek
Hungarian Moldovan Ukrainian
Vietnamese Mongolian Farsi
Dutch German Finnish
Greek Norwegian Flemish
Georgian Persian French
Danish Polish Hindi
Spanish Portuguese Czech
Hebrew Romanian Swedish
Icelandic Serbo-Croatian Estonian
Italian Slovak Japanese

Language is the tool of expression of your soul’s state!

Since the dawn of civilization, people have been talking in different languages and dialects. Since speech is the most used medium of conveying thoughts, it has been evolving always. With the expanse of the population, languages have undergone an expansion as well. According to one social survey, any given language undergoes changes every 20 kilometers of distance. First it takes the shape of a new dialect, gradually changing into a completely new language. A word in one language can sound the same in another language, but can carry absolutely different meanings.

With the development of means of transportation and communication, it has become very convenient and fast to physically travel around the globe or to send out your message from one corner of the earth to the other. We can say that technological advancement has helped diminish boundaries, but the linguistic barriers are still there.

To eliminate linguistic barriers, people of the modern world tend to learn foreign languages. Learning a single foreign language, in depth, takes as much time as learning your own mother tongue, therefore, even being too enthusiastic, one cannot learn the whole specter of living languages in a life time. And even after learning a foreign language, ones proficiency remains short of perfect, since the language keeps on evolving, while you learn. This mere fact retains the status of a language as foreign, because the learner never becomes a part of the linguistic evolution process; he/she needs to keep on adopting the changes made by others.

But there are those, who start thinking in a foreign language and become a part of the linguistic evolution and these are the people, who we name as interpreters.

As long as you need to conduct informal conversations, you might not need an interpreter if you know the language, which the second person understands, but when it comes to professional, legal, technical or sensitive matters, you have to be sure to convey your message in the exact form as you utter it or write it. This is where we come in.

The words “pit” and “ditch” can be used as synonyms in everyday chit chat, but when it comes to civil engineering, these are two totally different things. We offer you services of such highly trained professional interpreters, who make sure that your “ditch” remains a “ditch” in any foreign language.


We offer translations to and from a number of languages, spoken around the world, making sure that at the end of the day your recipient understands exactly what you meant to say, without any arbitrations.  Our guiding principle, while translating your texts, is the saying of the great Chinese philosopher, Confucius, who said: “If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone and if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything.”

Modern technology offers mechanical means of translation, but these tools lack all human capabilities. They can translate, but they cannot understand the soul of the conversation. Mechanical means are good when it comes to informal, non-serious exchange of ideas, but once again they cannot replace human perception and ability to grab the essence of the words.


We work with humans of high linguistic worth and make sure that your message gets conveyed as meant. This is why we say that we do not translate words, we interpret your ideas!


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Иванов Иван Иванович

Это для того, чтобы мы знали как к вам обращаться.

mail @mail.ru

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Иванов Иван Иванович

Это для того, чтобы мы знали как к вам обратиться.

mail @mail.ru

Это для того, чтобы мы могли написать вам письмо.


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